Archive for the Oglala stitch Category

I’m getting really close now.

Posted in beading, beads, necklaces, Oglala stitch, peyote stitch, seed beads on March 28, 2010 by beadnfun

Probably just a few more rings…I would say less than four.

I think I’m going for over the head with no clasps.  I wasn’t sure what kind of clasp to make, so why not just make it long enough, that way I can make sure it is solid.

This was not taken with the macro lens.

I will get rid of those loose strings when my needle is free.

Tomorrow I will shoot some shots with the macro lens.  Obviously I was not holding the camera still enough.

See with this lens I can back off a little and you get more a view of my work area.  It looks complicated right now, but between each project I get rid of all the stuff you see, and start a fresh clean table.

So there it is.  Hopefully Tuesday will be the finish date on this one.  Since I’m not devoting every day to this, it has taken about a month to complete this working about four rings a night.  I have serious carpel tunnel which only gets cranky doing this work….so I have to stop and shake it out, and continue.  It is still worth it.  I see a lot of folks who do this work as being older than I am, so I do not want to stop doing it.

Thanks for checking in.

Happy beading and peace.


It is growing….

Posted in beading, beads, Oglala stitch, peyote stitch, seed beads on March 6, 2010 by beadnfun

into more and more rings. I’m having fun doing it as well.

I tie off the thread after a few rings when my working string is finished, then I go back and tie off the ends when I have a loose needle.

Right now it is 14 rings long at this time.

So, more bead soup….more mixes to look through, and a few other packages of beads that are the right color-here I come.

I’m sure I’m making more work for myself to use these assorted mixes, but I have fun doing it and searching for the beads.  I have spent time sorting the colors so I have some green mixes and some blue mixes to pick from.

This will end up being a necklace at this time.  I am going to come up with some other application to use this stitch…oglala stitch I believe.

Take care and happy beading


Ruffled Rings

Posted in beading, beads, Oglala stitch, peyote stitch, seed beads on February 19, 2010 by beadnfun

Yep, I’ve wanting to work on this stitch for a while.  This was a project out of the current Bead and Button magazine.

Lively Links by Marina Nadke.

This is the kind of project I like to sink my teeth into.  Lots of drama, and lots of beading.  And I get to use some of my mixes that I have sorted out for a little variety besides my tubes of color.

And it is basically a simple stitch, peyote stitch then double peyote stitch.  I think I need something not so complicated, my brain can’t handle it right now.

My job is really working me hard right now, so I’ve been lax of course doing the beading and instead have been resting and surfing the web a lot.  So pardon the time off from beading.  Hopefully this will kick start me again.

So I started.

Second row.

Third Row, the beginning of the 2up beads, and the start of the ruffle.

Fourth row.

Fifth and final row of the first ring.

Stay tuned for more.

Okay extreme close up.   So I will keep you tuned about my progression.  I definitely see this as a few day project.  Each rings needs to be started and the threads tied in before the next one can start, or at least that seems a good idea to me.

I think this stitch is also referred to as Oglala stitch.  I will research that and let you know that one soon.

Thanks for checking my progress.